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Scentiva: Tahitian Grapefruit Splash Brand Art
Illustration, 3D Art, Retouching

GLAD Tomato Girl: Good Food Gone Bad
3D Modeling, Character Design, Illustration

Dermera Vitamins CGI Display
Illustration, CGI, 3D Art

Illustration, Digital Art

GLAD 3D Illustration: Green 100% Compostable Trash Bag
Illustration, 3D Art, Packaging

Glad Citrus Zest Packaging Ilustration
Illustration, 3D Art, Packaging

Alien plant with friendly visitor.
3D modeling with hand painting in Photoshop. The plant structure was created with procedural modeling.
3D Art

Fine Arts

Outcast is an experimental 3D typographical illustration.
Illustration, Graphic Design, Art Direction

Burt's Bees 3D Lip Balm Lineup
We have photographed and retouched Burt's Bees products for years, but there are times when 3D modeling and rendering solve problems that exist with photographing printed products. This is a case where the printed label made the product more difficult to retouch. The printed halftone dots destroyed the product etching illustrations and the fine typography.
Our client needed a better solution, so I modeled these lip balms in 3D and imported the Adobe Illustrator mechanicals to create a more pristine result.
Illustration, Packaging, Advertising

Typographic Fun
3D Typography Experiments
Illustration, Motion Graphics, Advertising

Experimental 3D figurative fantasy artwork
Illustration, Digital Art

Species II
3D study of an invented species using procedural modeling and textures.
Digital Art, Illustration, Print Design

Strange New Life - Anglia-Californica Processus modus
3D creation of a new species of flora.
Digital Art, Fine Arts

Modo 10.1 ~ Promotional Image ~ Mr. Eugenic
This art was created during the beta phase of "The Foundry's" development of their procedural tools. It was used to promote their new Modo 10.1 software.
Advertising, Character Design, Illustration

Drink Amazing ~ Steph Curry ~ Creative Retouching
I created this Stephen Curry Water image for Brita.
Art Direction, Illustration, Digital Art

3D Character design. Entry for the 2015 Modo Halloween Contest
Character Design, Illustration, Sculpting

Watermelon Hunter Character ~ GLAD
Hunter Watermelon ~ Save good food. From going bad.
Character development and advertising image for Glad campaign. The challenge of this series was to show a fresh fruit or vegetable under the Glad wrap and the dried out, scary alternative without the Glad product.
There was a long period of character and concept development to get to this final execution. We had early versions where the fruit/vegetables were cut on both sides, but it proved to be a little too gross because it was a character too. Along the way, we toned down some meaner characters, making them more mischievous and less aggressive.
I created a the character directly in 3D, using the modeling and sculpting tools.
My goal was to complete most of the image in 3D. About five percent of the work done was completed in post. Photoshop was required for minor retouching refinements, highlights, color, lighting and the cracked surface.
Advertising, Character Design, Illustration

Saturn Logo
I hand painted these logos in Photoshop for the Saturn brand. I had to adjust the illustrations to accommodate various uses.
Advertising, Icon Design, Illustration

Brita Iceberg
I conceived and executed this image to show our creative retouching and imaging capabilities.
Advertising, Creative Direction, Digital Art

Turbulent Sunset
This is a landscape from my "Turbulent" series.

Nike - Sweat's Sworn Enemy
I had to convert each image to a quadtone and retain the full color of the product. The contrast of the photography was pushed and drop shadows were painted.
Advertising, Retouching

HP+ANA = Everything is Possible
Initially, the creative team wanted to use retouched photography as a solution to this concept. Getting rights to photograph near runways was not possible. The client tried to find pictures that would fit the ad design format, but they were impossible to retouch. The photographic noise was terrible because of the low lighting and the plane angles weren't matching the composition.
Rather than kill the ad concept, I suggested a 3D solution, which was kind of new for print work at that time.
I created a high resolution jet, using a low polygon base model as a guide. I had to remodel all of the parts and ad graphics to the side of the plane. I positioned the plane and set up the lighting to match the night time concept. I created a runway and the plus lights too. After rendering, I painted lighting effects and color corrected the image.
The client approved the concept and the ad was published.
Advertising, Digital Art, Illustration

HP+ FTD = Everything is Possible
The first part of this project was to create a copper FTD Sign for use in the photo shoot. I painted it in Photoshop and the print was mounted on circular-cut foam core. The art director took this to Italy for the shoot.
After the photo shoot and some retouching, the brand image changed direction from the original concept of flowers sprouting up through the cracks. The revision included having the flowers rush forward and stop at the man's feet. This was changed to match the television concept. After removing the flowers up front and balancing the photo, I redesigned the composition based on the creative team's instructions, cloning and painting in the flowers and shadows. The lighting on the man changed drastically. The key lighting on his left and right was subdued and the light was rendered to look as if it was coming from above.
Advertising, Digital Art, Retouching

HP + Fender = Everything is Possible
Two photos of Jimmy Hendrix were merged together. Some painting was needed to get the composition just right. The rainbow fountain effect was painted in Photoshop.
Advertising, Digital Art, Retouching

HP+ NASA = Everything is Possible
This is the first ad that I retouched for the HP+ campaign. The creatives, Hunter Hindman and John Norman wanted a surreal look for this image. The astronaut reflects infinitely in his own visor.
The initial campaign cost several hundred million dollars. A 16 page campaign was run in the Wall Street Journal and New York Times. It was the first corporate marketing campaign after Hewlett-Packard acquired Compaq Computer, the largest merger in the history of the computer business, at the time.
Advertising, Illustration, Retouching

HP + National Gallery, London = Everything is Possible
The Goodby Silverstein Studio Manager asked for help on figuring out how to produce these images. I came up with a production process they could use to make arranging all of the plus signs easier. The files were huge and hard to work because of the amount of the pluses.
First we scanned the images, then set up the 18res files, making sure the bounding box wasn't changed. I made low resolution versions of each ad and supplied the studio with a vector plus sign made in Photoshop. The files were set up with a special blending mode function. All the studio artists needed to do was draw out the vector pluses to the art director's FPO position. Since the pluses were vector, the images could be enlarged to any size.
During their design process, we color corrected and retouched the high res images. They returned the low res files and our staff sized and inserted the high resolution images.
Advertising, Digital Art, Retouching

Oakland Zoo Vampire Bats
The Creative Director wanted an improvement on the photographer's solution. I used Photoshop to paint the swollen areas around the puncture marks and increased the length of the juice so the drips would mimic blood. I also reduced the scale of the droplets on the surface so they looked more natural.
Advertising, Illustration, Retouching

Apple iPod from HP
This series of ads required major retouching and color correction.
Advertising, Digital Art, Retouching

Adobe Baby
This image was made using a photo of a balding man.
Advertising, Illustration, Retouching

Clone Wars
This image was composed using stills from the movie. The background was extended and a mountain added. The various machines were moved and flopped. I painted dust into the scene to give more depth. I also added distortions and blowing dust from the engines.
I've also included some renderings of the same shot with a laser added, and another of the same scene at night.
Advertising, Game Design, Illustration

EBAY Happy Hunting ads
On this campaign, I outlined the images and hand-painted the shadows on dozens of objects.
Advertising, Illustration, Retouching

Seagate 3D Rendering
Seagate provided CAD data for their line of hard drives. I converted the CAD data, created materials, composed the lighting and rendered these final images for their packaging.
Advertising, Digital Art, Illustration

Clorox Wipes Campaign
DDB California needed high resolution images for their print ads and store displays. I designed, modeled and rendered the tree and created new high resolution legs for the bird in ZBrush. The flowers were also created in 3D. I also created the typography for the add.
Advertising, Digital Art, Illustration

Liquid Plumr Battle
DDB supplied an image that needed to be creatively retouched to make the plumbers and foam look more like the actual product. Clorox is very particular about the accurate representation of their products. This product had to be shown as the two liquids collide and mix to form foam. It was a challenging composition to problem solve. I had to repaint the lighting so the plumbers looked more like they were down inside the drain. Readjusting the lighting helped emphasize the drain opening and the mixing of the two cleaning components. I created a new cloud of foam in 3D and retouched it into the existing plumbers and I modeled and rendered gel for the hair clog.
Thomas Mangold, a great photographer and CGI artist created the original composition. Bearfight Animation provided some of the original plumbers from their excellent animation.
Illustration, Advertising, Retouching

Brita 3D Logo Redesign
I designed and modeled this new metal version of the Brita logo.
During the concept stage, I experimented with a number of materials and reflection variations, using 3D software.
The packaging won a 2012 GD USA Award.
Illustration, Packaging, Typography

Press n Seal Ads
These ads required complex retouching to place the fruit in the Press N Seal wrap, and compose the products within each landscape.
Advertising, Digital Art, Retouching

Liquid Plumr Ninjas and Tanks
The ninjas were composed from multiple photographs and required a lot of image manipulation, painting and color correction in Photoshop.
The Tank ad required color correction and lighting adjustments.
DDB San Francisco
Chief Creative Officer: Lisa Bennett
Creative Director: Dustin Smith
Art Director: Natalie Chambers
Copywriter: Aimee Lehto
Print Production: Issy Penaflor
Advertising, Illustration, Retouching

Nasty Ninja Lettuce ~ Glad Wrap
Nasty Ninja Lettuce
Save good food. From going bad.
Character development and advertising image for Glad campaign.
The challenge of this series was to show a fresh fruit or vegetable under the Glad wrap and the dried out, scary alternative without the Glad product.
There was a long period of character and concept development to get to this final execution. We had early versions where the fruit/vegetables were cut on both sides, but it proved to be a little too gross because it was a character too. Along the way, we toned down some meaner characters, making them more mischevious and less aggressive.
This character was developed using Modo as a concept tool. I created a rough character directly in Modo using the modeling and sculpting tools. Multi-res brushes were used for sculpting the final character details and plastic wrap.
Because the client wanted the hard floor shadow, light linking was used for the floor and character to separate the shadows.
My goal was to complete most of the image in Modo. About five percent of the work done was completed in post. Photoshop was required for minor retouching refinements, highlights, color, lighting and the cracked surface.
Advertising, Character Design, Illustration

Salmon Pirate ~ Glad Wrap
Pirate Salmon Character
Save good food. From going bad.
Character development and advertising image for Glad campaign.
The challenge of this image was to show fresh fish under the Glad wrap and the dried out, scary alternative without the Glad product.
There was a long period of character and concept development to get to this final execution. We had early versions where the fruit/vegetables were cut on both sides, but it proved to be a little too gross because it was a character too. Along the way, we toned down some meaner characters, making them more mischevious and less aggressive.
This character was developed using Modo as a concept tool. I created a rough character directly in Modo using the modeling and sculpting tools. Multi-res brushes were used for sculpting the final character details and plastic wrap.
Because the client wanted the hard floor shadow, light linking was used for the floor and character to separate the shadows.
My goal was to complete most of the image in Modo. About five percent of the work done was completed in post. Photoshop was required for minor retouching refinements, highlights, color, lighting and the cracked surface.
Advertising, Character Design, Illustration

Modo 901 "Create Something" Ad ~ Illustration
This is an Illustration that I created during the Modo 901 beta phase.
The Foundry are using it in their Modo 901 release ads. Anna Veronica Luraghi is the graphic designer.
Advertising, Digital Art, Illustration

Dementia X
Image conveying the disorienting effects of Dementia
Illustration, Advertising, Digital Art

Soul Catcher
This is another remnant of a dream.
I created it using 3D software and Photoshop.
Advertising, Digital Art, Editorial Design

Totem IV
Experimental 3D image of ancestral totem.
Digital Art, Fine Arts

Experimental 3D image using multiple faces
Digital Art, Fine Arts

The Lonely Tree
This is an experimental 3D portrait.
Advertising, Illustration

A portrait of a mother.
Digital Art, Fine Arts, Painting

Deep Web
This is a 3D illustration about the hidden Internet
Advertising, Digital Art, Illustration

This is an experimental 3D portrait of Mikhail
Advertising, Digital Art, Illustration

Label Art
This illustrated series of labels was awarded first place in the 2013 American Graphic Design Awards.
These illustrations were modeled and rendered in 3D software. The textures were hand painted. and 3D fur was used to create tiny hairs on the plants.
Advertising, Illustration, Packaging

Press'n Seal Goldfish
DDB San Francisco needed to improve some wonderful images shot by photographer, Mark Laita. Plastic is always difficult or impossible to photograph and many times images like this requires a lot of retouching. The complexity of this plastic required a photorealistic illustrative approach.
Since the client wanted to see the "Griptex" pattern clearly in the photograph. I illustrated the pattern and embossed logos across the surface of the product. I had to incorporate the goldfish swimming in the water and emphasize the grip area.
Advertising, Illustration, Retouching

Dread X
Dread X is an experimental animation using Modo 801 3D software..
Advertising, Animation, Film

Pixie Crash XI
I love to make experimental art in 3D, so I was excited to see the new Mesh Shatter tool in Modo 801.
I fired the mesh shatter tool on separate parts of the mesh, and used the Glue settings to make larger pieces. I selected all of the pieces and set them to rigid body dynamics in the Setup tab.
After designing the motion, I used the new iridescent shader for the figure and gold for the decoration.
I love slow motion films shot with HD high-speed cinema cameras, so I set the animation to slow motion. With a little motion blur and Depth of Field, I was able to create a dynamic slow motion 3D animation.
Design and Animation: Steve Barrett
Sound Design: Aaron Bianchi
Animation, Character Design, Motion Graphics

Shatter X (Slow Motion 3D Glass Animation)
Slow Motion 3D Glass Shattering Animation made with Modo 801
Animation, Computer Animation, Motion Graphics

Glad Devil Tomato Character
3D Character development and advertising image for new Glad campaign.
Save good food. From going bad.
Advertising, Digital Art, Illustration

Illustrative experiment using 3D in a painterly fashion

Happy Halloween!
This is my entry for the Foundry's 2013 Halloween image contest.
I modeled this personal work in 3D and hand painted the finished art in Photoshop.
Character Design, Creative Direction, Illustration

3D Digital Impressionism
This image of San Francisco is from my 3D Impressionism landscape series.
Fine Arts

Embryo III
Brand Image for Poser Pro Software

Mask was created for a Poser Pro 2010 advertisement

This is a representation of a figure from one of my recurring dreams from childhood. I created this using a variety of 3D techniques.
This image was features into CGSociety's Expose 7, an international publication celebrating the world's finest digital art.
"Thirst" is currently promoting a movie concept.

Burt's Bees Photorealistic 3D Display Rendering
Burt's Bees wanted to photograph a large number of lip balms for a display. Instead of ordering hundreds of tubes and photographing them, I created a few lip balms using 3D software. I used a 3D physics engine to drop them into a virtual container and set up a virtual camera to photograph the products.
Advertising, Animation, Illustration

Lost Litter Box ~ Fresh Step ~ The Clorox Company
These cats dance around looking for their litter boxes.
Advertising, Character Design, Retouching

Digital painting of a Rorschach Test ink blot
Advertising, Digital Art, Illustration

3D Typographical illustration for Armor All
Illustration, Print Design, Typography

Fresh Step Cats
This is the second series in the Lost Litter Box campaign
Advertising, Retouching

Saturn Catalog 3D Modeling and Imaging
3D Modeling and Rendering of Saturn Catalog Spread
Advertising, Illustration, Retouching

Traitor and Siren
These are fantasy drawings from my sketchbook. These ballpoint pen drawings are done on my daily train commute. I start drawing random lines very quickly and these drawings emerge. I enjoy the results that emerge when I draw on the jarring and uneven train ride.
Character Design, Drawing, Fine Arts

Judge Lecher
This a digital sculpture of a judge

HP+ Moscow University
This is an image from my archive of creative retouching work. I really enjoyed making this one.
During the HP+ campaign, Claude Shade of Goodby Silverstien asked me to create this image of circuit board on the Moscow University grounds. I modeled the circuit boards in Cinema 4D and retouched the pieces into an aerial photograph he commissioned.
Digital Art, Illustration, Retouching

Liquid Plumr Clog Monster
Character development and advertisement created for Liquid Plumr.
Advertising, Character Design, Digital Photography

These are ink concept sketches from my Warrior Series.
Character Design, Drawing, Illustration

Peppers 3D
Photo realistic 3D render

Metal Head
Metal Head is from my "3D Metal" series.
It was featured on the Luxology's Modo web site. I'm a Modo beta tester.
Digital Art

Gud Splash
I created this conceptual brand image for Burt's Bees, Gud Shampoo. I modeled and rendered this image in Modo 601. The concept includes flower shaped droplets of water as a design theme.
Advertising, Digital Art, Illustration

Chocolate Freak!
This is a digital sculpture

Hatch V
This image promotes Poser Pro software.

Fetish Series 2012
Fine Arts

3D Illustration

King and Princess
These are concept sketches for a new series.
Character Design, Drawing

Pine Sol Label Illustrations
Illustrations for Pine Sol labels.
Advertising, Illustration, Packaging

Burt's Bees 3D modeling and rendering
3D model and rendering of Burt's Bees products
Advertising, Illustration, Packaging

Armor All
Brand image for Armor All Wax
Digital Imaging, Illustration

Devil's Airbrush
Airbrush from airbrush concept series.
Fine Arts

Glad Force Flex
This is a 3D concept for Glad Force Flex.
Advertising, Illustration, Visual Effects

Endangered Animal Series
Digital Art, Illustration

Dream IX
Personal Work
Fine Arts

Advertising, Illustration, Print Design

Advertising, Digital Art, Illustration

Distorted Head
3D Art
Fine Arts

Happy Skulls
This is an experimental 3D image.

Embryo III - Human + Exhibition
Human+ Exhibition